Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gucci 500 two prices for UK market

Last time I had wrote a report about Gucci 500 will be reveal this Month's Fashion week in NEW YORK. Yeah,the prices had been already announced for the UK market. The Gucci 500 will be available in the UK with two kinds of engines: first is economical 1. liter, this will cost the customers about 14.565 while another engine is the award-winning 0.9 liter TwinAir, this will cost 15.765 Pounds.

The Gucci 500 is cooperated by Italy top brands Fiat and Gucci. Fiat is the top in the auto fields while Gucci is top in the Luxury world. Their cooperation is quite unique and make these two respected brands perfectly showed in front of us. You can find the combination of the craftsmanship and the shape is quite quite fashion and meet both of the brands.

Besides owning a pair of Cheap Gucci sneakers, owning a Gucci car - Gucci 500 maybe will become a fashion soon.